There are over 1175 studies on the benefits of hydrogen (and hydrogen water) that inspire us, and we’d like to share a few of them with you along with some specific articles. These studies have been created from third-party funding. Check out some of the links below.
Keep in mind, it is extremely important for you to understand that while we absolutely believe that everyone should be drinking hydrogen enriched water, we in no way make curative claims to any specific disease or pathology.
These studies and articles are shared for educational purposes only. They are not shared to indicate any outcome for anyone with a similar or same disease or pathology. The studies show potential or possible outcomes. There are no protocols, drugs, natural methods, or techniques that are 100% effective. Every individual is different and diseases are complex.
Hydrogen Water Studies
- Hydrogen Is the Ultimate Antioxidant
- Aging Effects of the Skin
- Effects of drinking hydrogen-rich water on muscle fatigue caused by acute exercise in elite athletes
- Hydrogen Water as a Novel Antioxidant
- Anaerobic Microflora
- Depression and Anxiety
- Mental Focus and Clarity
- Immune System
- ATP and Energy
- Metabolism
Hydrogen Water Articles
- More than 24,500 chemicals found in bottled water
- This New Study Found More Drugs in Our Drinking Water Than Anybody Knew
- How Much Water Should You Drink?
- Why You Should Be Drinking Hydrogen Water
- Why Drink Hydrogen Water When Working Out
- Hydrogen Water Can Help You Beat Caffeine Addiction
- Six Reasons to Drink Hydrogen Water