6.3.2 Food supplement
A pilot study was conducted among 13 healthy volunteers receiving the Endocalyx food supplement. After 3 months, the Microvascular Health Index measured by SDF imaging improved by 31%. After 4 months, the Microvascular Health Index in the volunteers improved by 50%. This showed the beneficial effects of the food supplement on the microvasculature as it significantly increased capillary density and red blood cell filling percentage, and reduced the perfused boundary region (unpublished data, H. Vink).
6.4.2 Food supplement
In the pilot study with Endocalyx, no serious adverse effects were reported. One side effect that was reported was dizziness, as the Endocalyx supplement lowered the systolic blood pressure. The supplement is already used in general practitioners’ offices in the United States and to date; no one reported any major side effects. Studies conducted with the individual ingredients also did not report any serious adverse effects. A possible side effect may be an unknown allergic reaction to one of the ingredients of the supplement. Benefits of the Endocalyx food supplement in diabetic patients remain to be established but are mainly improving microvascular health by supporting endothelial glycocalyx function.
NuLife Sciences, Inc.
7407 Ziegler Rd
Chattanooga, TN 37421
(800) 398-9842